Southern Chief’s Organization Launch Historic Charter Challenge to Recognize Legal Personhood of Lake Winnipeg

We applaud the effort of Southern Chiefs’ Organization to hold the province and Manitoba Hydro accountable and bring a Charter challenge to recognize the inherent rights of Lake Winnipeg. No living being, whether a person or a body of water, should have to endure the harms and negligence that the province and the crown corporation have visited upon Lake Winnipeg. First Nation peoples have waited long enough for governments to do the right thing. Despite promises made the province has failed in their responsibilities and allowed Manitoba Hydro to operate with little regard for Lake Winnipeg and all our relations living around her.

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization is right to call out the severe impacts and the denial of First Nation inherent, Indigenous and Treaty rights. When Manitoba Hydro controls water levels and flows in and out of Lake Winnipeg to maximize efficiency, they are contributing to flooding, shoreline erosion, diminishing water quality, and the loss of wetlands. These impacts fundamentally change our ability to access lands and waters and practice our traditional livelihoods. This hurts our hearts and communities.

Over the years, we have spoken with many community members about personhood and rights for Lake Winnipeg. We have heard support for recognizing the inherent rights of Lake Winnipeg as a living being. We have heard that recognition of personhood may be important to foster understanding between different worldviews. We have also heard concern that personhood under Canadian law may fall short as it repeatedly has when protecting vulnerable people in Canada. We extend support to Southern Chiefs Organization and the four water protectors in finding the path towards legal recognition of the spirit and life of Lake Winnipeg.

Read SCO’s Media Press release here.

Watch SCO’s statement on APTN here.

Daisy Woelk / Global News


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