Launching the Environmental Monitoring Network for Lake Winnipeg
This summer marked an exciting milestone for Lake Winnipeg and our collective work in protecting these waters. We launched the pilot phase of our Environmental Monitoring Network by installing eight monitoring sites along the lake’s shoreline and its tributaries. These sites, carefully chosen, represent a vital step in our ongoing responsibility to protect the health and future of Lake Winnipeg, together.
Brenda Morrisseau, Niigaan Aki Guardians Manager at a site in Sagkeeng, 2024.
The monitoring sites, chosen in collaboration with guardians and community leaders, were established across Brokenhead, Sagkeeng, Misipawistik Cree Nation (MCN), and Peguis territories. Five of these sites are located along the lake’s north basin, with three located in the south basin, allowing for a united approach amongst Nations in tracking changes in water quality, shoreline conditions, and ecosystem health over time. Guardians from each of these communities have taken on the responsibility of monitoring these sites, allowing us to document and understand changes alongside local knowledge and perspectives that’s deeply connected to the land and water.
Throughout the field season, we worked alongside guardians from each community; to identify common areas of concern, set-up monitoring stations and begin training. This collaboration has not only brought vital environmental insights but also strengthened relationships across communities, creating a network of dedicated guardians committed to the stewardship of Lake Winnipeg.
This fall, we gathered to reflect on the achievements and challenges of the season. The gathering concluded with a ceremony to name the monitoring network, an essential step in grounding this work and our commitments to the lake. We look forward to unveiling the name and sharing more about the network’s progress on our website in the coming weeks, stay tuned!
As we move forward, the Environmental Monitoring Network will serve as a resource for informed action and decision-making, helping protect Lake Winnipeg for generations to come. kiitchii maarsii, miigwetch, Kinanaskomitinaw, to everyone who has been part of this journey so far.